With their doors opening for the first time in mere days, it’s crunch time at the Southern Nevada Trades High School.
They’re rolling paint, hanging banners, unpacking boxes, and testing out the new toys. The school will specialize in construction trade jobs.
“Plumbers, electricians, construction workers, they make great salaries and hands-on, and it’s a great way to make a living,” said Candi Wadsworth, principal at Southern Nevada Trades High School.
You hear that kids? Money!
Wadsworth will open the doors Monday morning to her new school and new opportunities for local kids.
“A lot of students are bored in their traditional classrooms, they need to be more hands hands-on and have a different perspective on learning,” said Julie Carver, the school’s executive director. “Sitting and taking notes in straight rows is just not working for them, so they want another way to accomplish the same goal and that’s what we’re offering.”
With cranes, cones and casinos going up across the Las Vegas Valley, the help wanted sign is out. Southern Nevada Trades High School is partnering up with local leaders in the construction industry.
The goal is that a student graduates, gets a job, and gets paid.
“HVAC, electricity, masonry, safety, all of the things that they would take out, cabinetry, that they’d then take out in the workforce and start at an entry-level carpentry position,” Carver said.
While the students still have to go to math and English classes, they’ll also get to build some really cool stuff.
“We’re going to start building tiny homes, and actually our workshops have these big rollup doors where we can roll the tiny homes between the workshops and out into our parking area and be able to sell them to the community,” explained Dr. Lawrence Brown, Jr., a teacher at the school.
Dr. Brown loves the school’s concept and joined the team. With a small campus and small class sizes, Dr. Brown says he hopes to bring a sense of family to his new school.
“Next couple days and we’re just excited for us to open up and welcome them in as a great family.”
For more information on the school, visit: https://www.snvtradeshighschool.org/.
Dave Hall – FOX5